Carvechi Technology has a SAP HANA partnership and OEM partner for Hana Platform. We are excited to partner with SAP and being able to offer the technology to our customers. SAP HANA is the next generation of SAP’s in-memory technology. This multipurpose, in-memory appliance gives organizations instant insight into business operations, while allowing them to react quickly to changing business conditions.
SAP HANA lets business users immediately access, model, and analyze all their transactional and analytical data in real time, from virtually any data source. This can take place in a single environment, without affecting existing applications or systems.
Delivered on optimized SAP HANA efficiently processes and analyzes massive amounts of data. It packages SAP’s intelligent use of in-memory technology, columnar database design, data compression, and massive parallel processing.
SAP HANA provides a flexible, cost-effective, real-time approach for managing large data volumes. It helps organizations dramatically reduce the hardware and maintenance costs of running multiple data warehouses, operational, and analytical systems.
We are developing new software products and technology with our partners and SAP HANA will be the robust platform for Cisco and IBM.